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Full Version: Put router and fire wall
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people must install well and good router and firewall from that they can protect their computer which are coming from outside and also your file or any document will be safe and secured.
I agree with this sentence. We have to keep our router and firewall safe. For that we have to take care about our security regarding IP address,user name,password. Other wise it may be harmful to us.
A home network is simply two or more computers in your home that are connected to each other and can share files, printers, and your Internet connection.IP addresses are four sets of numbers separated by periods that allow computers to identify each other.If you connect to the Internet using a modem you typically don't have to be too concerned about firewalling your internal network.
Firewalls are necessary when you don't have an excellent anti-virus to defend it and you are connected to network as we know that internet is within this count and most of virus come from it to anyone's PC. Most of them are of online calling one.
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